Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Like This

MANY SENSIBLE people would be pleased to move into a new home with a finished yard: crew-cut lawn, tidy perennials, perhaps a sturdy herb garden, all pre-drip irrigated.

I suppose so because that seems to be the way yards are prepped for the real estate market. But that sounds so paint-by-numbers. My fantasy yard is more like a barren plains: flat, empty, hideous, awaiting my hand.

A blog is a nice barren plains. You scatter seeds however. It's a blank canvas, amenable to whims.

So, I like it.

THERE IS one problem, however. "Blog" is an ugly word. It does not make me feel cute inside. I wish this innernet-based repository of serial commentary could be called something else.

You know how "carefully researched weblogs" are called "crogs"? I need something like that.

"Plog," for example. Now there's a sweet little word. "Brog" is cute, too. I don't know what I would retroactively declare that either stands for. Petty weblog? Pathetic little weblog? Badly researched weblog? Maybe something with a little less built-in self-loathing.


Note to readers: This marks my 100th post. (Hence the existential talk.) Happy Centpostial!


Anonymous said...


SNarky weblog.

That's the best I can think of off the top of the head.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and congratulations on the 100 posts. I don't know what I'd do at work otherwise.

Emma said...

Very cute. Could there be something that means "not overly snarky"?

Anonymous said...

hmmm... well for your blog maybe: BBEVER for best blog ever!

congrats on 100 amazing posts!!!!!!!!!

Emma said...

An unnamed source submits:

"SOG (Sound...as in, "my, that is some sound thinking I wish I thought of.") The good thing about this, when you get older, it can be Sunny Old Gal on good days, and Shitty Old Gal on the bad ones."

Thank you, Mr. Event.