Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Anderson Cooper Lets ME Decide?

Really, Anderson? Me? Wittle ol me?

Run the concept by me one more time. Okay, you're going to give me the facts. Got it. And then--I'm on my own? Your gentle eyes are telling me I can do it. I can make up my own mind.

Are you sure you want to trust me with this awesome responsibility? I may not be the brightest bulb in the--really? Okay. Your faith in my ability to judge makes me feel so...big. You respect me; I can respect myself.

I get it. You trust me. Your compassionate face telegraphs that trust. You believe it is your job to furnish me with information, and that we share a sacred pact as reporter and reportee. That pact demands that I reach my own conclusions. Yeah. I get it. It's beautiful.

You're not an opinionater like some other people on some other networks. You're not going to *talk down* to me and *hand down opinions* like proclamations from on high. That's so belittling. Our relationship is much richer and more real. It digs deeper than that.

Wait, Anderson. Anderson. I said I get it. I totally get it. You're going to report, I'm going to decide. We settled this, I'm into it. Anderson, please: you're saying "Let viewers make up their own minds" as often as "Digging Deeper" and "Best Political Team on TV". Oh my god, is this a thing? Is objectivity the new CNN brand?

I...Wow. I thought you believed in me. I thought we had something.

You know what, I don't need your "Make up your own mind"® any more than your smoldering glances or your on-assignment gay shirt. I've made up my mind. I'm leaving for Jim Lehrer. Shit, he's not on. Or Keith Olbermann, he confirms my beliefs. Oh wait I can't fucking stand him. Okay, AC Slater, I'm staying for tonight. But this is temporary because it is so over. I mean it this time.

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